Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You did it by mistake, Papa ..

Sometime in 2006: Nishu is 4.5 years old.
I have this C size Herman Miller Aeron chair. Huge & Heavy - but got some quirks coz I bought it second hand from some Russian guy who wasn't exactly forthcoming on the 'things that don't work' .
Nishu was browsing google images for his truck pictures. He got the quotes wrong in a full word .. eg: '"" fire truck ' and got upset about the pictures showing up.
So, I slide over to help him type it right. But my chair wheel gets there first. It partially rolls over his toes.
He screamed in agony, and started wailing. I felt horrible about what happened. I apologized profusely, and tried to calm him down. Even my face probably showed distress. ( Usually I don't get too perturbed at his falls, bruises, fevers.. though I soothe him, etc. ).

Then, in between his sobs he said " No, papa. Don't feel bad. You did it by mistake.. its ok"

I didn't need to write this down to remember it, did I ?

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