Monday, February 9, 2009

Why a blog ?

This is going to be about things Avaneesh ( my elder son) says/does. 
He's made my past 6 years probably the best 6 years of my life. :) 
So far, the few times I've remembered to note down things.. I would put a couple of lines into notepad, and more often just bore my colleagues at Sidestep with stories about him. 
Now, I've forgotten most of them, and some of the notes I've jotted a little too quickly don't jog my own memory of the event that must have been really memorable. 
Recently a former Sidestepper was mentioning one of those stories, and I had no recollection of it.  
His own activities are beyond just text : makes weird drawings, songs, etc. that I'd like to capture in a different media, but bring it all together in something like a blog. 
Lastly, if there are folks other than me that are going to read it, I can't just scribble some unintelligible nonsense in a hurry and regret later.  

Should have done this earlier? 
True. I work in the same field, but that did more harm than good. Instead of simply penning a blog, I instead did a half hearted attempt at writing a 'Personal diary' desktop app that would keep dates and stuff for me of the entries i made. 

Stupid as stupid can be, you're thinking ? :) 

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