Monday, February 9, 2009

Do you like Barbie ?

Date: Feb 9, 2009
(Context: Avaneesh is rather frustrated about his cousin sister Aadhya not wanting to play cars & trucks everyday. In fact, she has recently issued an edict 'No more cars and trucks in my house!' )

"Papa, are you a boy ? "
.. a millisecond later .. 
"Papa, are you a boy? "
"Are you a boy ? "

The papa, a bit too slow for his enthusiastic son, manages to turn his bulk around and reply 
"Hm... What do you think ? " 
A little pause while the little brain decides whether to continue wrangling on this, or go on to the real matter at heart.

"Ok, I think you're a boy" 
"Nice guess, son" 

"Ok, now tell me this - Do you like Barbie ? "
Papa pauses, sort of noticing that this was an important question. 

A helpful hint readily available, reminiscent of probably a soviet era GRU question to a citizen: 
"If you say you like Barbie, then I'll think you're a girl" 
 "Surely not, I don't like Barbie" answers the relieved father. 
"Yes, I also don't like Barbie" 
"Then what do you like ? " 
"I like Tom, Jerry, Donald duck, Ratta tooyee, Mickey mouse, Minnie mouse .." 

Papa interjects .. 
"But Minnie mouse also is a girl, and does girlie things.. how come you like her? " 
"No no no no.. Barbie only plays house, lots of cooking games, plays with girls only, and doesn't like cars or trucks" 

The cloud is clearing.. about who Barbie actually symbolises.
"Son, Barbie also has boy friends" 
"Really ? " 
"Yes, and she does other things than just play 'house' "  

Papa continues probing..
"So, you  really don't like Barbie at all? " 
Now the son is a little slow to the answer .. 
"I think I like Barbie .. a little bit" 
"Thats nice son, I too like Barbie .. a little bit" 

Clearly, papa has been useful today. His face cleared, the son now ends that conversation.. 
"So, do you want to play cars with me now? "

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