Thursday, February 19, 2009

Don't worry.. god will put ..

Evening of Dec 11, 2008: 
Avaneesh's brother Nischal was just born in the morning, and Avaneesh came to visit for the first time. 
He gives mom one good look 
"Hey Amma, what happened to your tummy?" 
"The doctor took out the baby.. (pointing to the crib).. go see your brother" 
"Oh... don't worry, God will put another baby in your stomach" 

If we could have taken pictures of our faces, we'd have been owners of priceless art. Goodbye coding, hello Sotheby's. 
[Another baby is VERY strongly out of the question for  us - doctors have forbidden it VERY vehemently.  So, that clearly is a blessing that we'd dread.]  

One of us recovered .. 
"heh .. eh .. uhm.. I think we have enough kids now, son. Come see your brother" 

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