Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Unfulfilled potential ?

We'd just climbed up a steep hill to see the Dubdi monastery in Yuksom, Sikkim. This is the oldest monastery setup in AD 1640. It was cold & foggy at 8 in the morning - gushing about the exciting climb. About 10 kids and 12 adults - dragons puffing at the monastery door.

The externals - still under reconstruction after the 2011 earthquake - were not exactly camera friendly. As we untied our shoelaces for a look inside, a worker came out and said "You can take photos here, but no photos inside the monastery, please"

I actually think that's a good idea - besides the archaeological reasons of not messing up the paint pigments. In those forced moments of inaction, you are forced to experience the present instead of squinting in the viewfinder to gather a few FaceBook 'Like's. How do you capture the fog, the smells, the sounds of the birds and the howl of the raucous monkeys we call kids?
In this case, the monkeys already needed some controlling - they were setting up to tip water bowls and start a 'gong-banging' session.

Sunil - the quintessential manager - gathered them around and started with his typical left hand gestures. He gave them a small lecture about being silent, and praying to the Buddha. Either the kids asked, or he couldn't help himself .. but he also added : "While praying, don't ask for a hundred thousand dollars - but ask for the abilities so you can earn the hundred thousand dollars on your own"
So, the kids started chiming in " yes.. you should ask to be smart, to get educated ... " even as he was finishing up his little speech.

I'd moved up to the area near the Buddha. I was looking at the clean water bowls, the myriad patterns in which notes of various colorful currencies had been folded/rolled up as offerings. Conveniently for me, a few oil lamps were lit, and they helped to warm my palms.
Nishu noticed that and came up to me. "So, are you asking for the ability to earn a hundred thousand dollars?", he asked.
Our repeated refusals to buy toys as 'expensive' were probably the source of those comments. I realized it, but I still felt like responding.
"I already have the talent to earn a hundred thousand dollars", I replied with a half-superior smile.

He steps closer to me, his voice drops slightly " So, you're just not using that ability, then ? "

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't stop laughing out loud at that moment in the monastry; cannot stop laughing now either..:-) It was an instant classic response of Nishu that made all of us burst into laughter..Also can vividly remember Raj's face after his comment and finally after Nishu's.. :-)
    well written too, Raj!
