Monday, June 17, 2013

A Father's day present ?

So, I brought down Nischal and his buddy Anant, and they started playing tennis. The game was more like one hits, and the other fetches. Neither cared if the ball was reaching the other. I couldn't complain - I see 40 year olds playing like this everyday. All I could do was, say "don't scrape the tennis racket on the ground!" repeatedly.

That's when Nishu called.
"Papa can I stay and play at Amit's place?"
It's 4:30 in the afternoon. I had sent him down, but a brief 5 min rain had given them the excuse to hole up inside with their legos.
"No," I say " .. it's evening time, and I want you outside -playing something outdoor"

"But nobody will be with me" he complains " all my friends are going to be here.. at Amit's place"
Talk about a geek warren.
"You come down here.. and I'll play catch with you " I offer.
He groans audibly, but he agrees.

Soon he comes by with a frown on his face, and throws me a tennis ball.
We start. I keep trying to correct his palms which bugs him a good deal.
"I can't fix everything in just one day!" he says. I'm tempted to point out that I've been trying to teach this since he was 4.

Meanwhile, Nischal and Anant are done with tennis, and want to go to the sandpit. So, we shift our catch practice venue - Anant's grandpa had made a brief appearance and had now vanished.
Now I'm throwing Nishu catches that land near his feet, and am trying to force him to bend his knees. I hear a lot of complaints about it. To make things more fun(for me atleast), just as he starts anticipating it, I throw a few catches over his head.

Amit's mom walked by while we were on this fun(?) exercise. She greeted me, and said "Hi! Happy Father's day!"  .
"Oh really?! thanks!! " I say. Father's day isn't really a thing at our house. Mother's day is mentioned a bit- only the years we remember. And I'd not checked facebook yet.
"Did you wish your father?" she asked him. He shook his head with an embarrassed smile. Soon as she continued, he came and hugged me. "Happy Father's day, Papa! "
"Thanks, man ! " I say. And he's back to his position.
He continues to smile at me in the same embarrassed fashion .. and we have a few more throws. Now he's tearing up as he's catching and throwing.
It just needed me to ask "what happened?" for him to break down, come over and hug me.
I'm surprised and also am aware of the other parents at the sandpit watching us. This was decidedly more interesting than one more push on the swing.
"Sorry.." he continues " .. I didn't know today was Father's Day .. and didn't even buy you anything .."

I wanted to say "You just bought me a BIG one, son.." .. but just hugged him,  while continuing to be aware of all the parents watching the show. :)

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