Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kung fu & Bey blades

Find me a kid who's not crazy about bey blades, and I'll find you an alien masquerading as a kid.
It looks like its all these kids can talk about. There's the bey blade itself, and all the associated mythology.
Another thing that Avaneesh is currently crazy about, is Kung fu. Bruce Lee's life history has been absorbed through dad (yours truly). I'm also subjected to daily tests in the form of atleast 5 trivia questions a day. I'm probably spending more time on wikipedia's Bruce Lee & Jackie Chan pages than on work.
One day he's practicing Snake style, and tiger style another. And dad involuntarily ends up being the monkey style opponent at times.
After seeing youtube videos of 'the Drunken Master', there's some interest in drinking too.

The 'put me into a kung-fu class' rhetoric has died down after I convinced him that its a little too early, and he should get into one after he grows a little older, and puts on a little muscle. But for a couple of days, I was subjected to 'look how much muscle I have here' sessions in order to convince me that he's ready to join a kung-fu class.

We're walking together and suddenly he breaks out into punches and kicks. And there's also this set of weird stuff that comes straight from master Jackie Chan.

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