Monday, July 27, 2009

It's ok, amma ...

Nishu is probably the dreamiest kid I've ever seen so far. He's dreaming pretty much ALL the time. In his last school, it took a few months for his teacher to get used to it - all the initial yelling only served to scare him, but not change him.

Yesterday, yet again, he'd come back from school not having done any of his school work. Most of his pages were empty/or just had one half written line on them.
And he got a good bit of yelling from his mom during homework time - for not paying attention again.

Finally when the dust settled, his mom went to him and apologized for yelling at him so much.
Came the reply " It's ok, Amma .. my teachers yell at me much more than you"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ants ate my wound

Today, Nishu came by saying "Amma, ants bit my wound, and opened it up"

Background to this was us telling him not to pluck at his wound.. and let it fully dry. But maybe the itch or pure boredom didn't stop him and it has started bleeding slightly again.

And he now had to solve the problem getting some sympathy the pain, but not get scolded while at it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

You changed the color of my guitar!

Nishu's guitar lessons are half baked. That is, they have 'guitar' in it, but no 'lessons'. He barely does what I asked him to do, but does plenty in those sessions.
I used to tune his guitar based on a tuner his buddies bring. Then I realized that it was a semitone off compared to a couple of online guitar tuners.
So I tuned it using an online tuner.

A few days ago he picks up his guitar and says, "Papa, you've changed the color of my guitar!"
I stared at him .. and he explained " it used to be grey, but now you've made it white!"
I then remembered an earlier ramble from Nishu about how different notes were different colors.

Though I wondered if it was a coincidence or if he could really recognize a semitone difference in tuning..I then forgot about it until yesterday.
This time, I'd used a winamp plugin to reduce 'Sweet Child Of Mine' by a tone or so I could play the lead in my accoustic guitar without having to reach too high.
And I'd left that plugin on.
Seeing the laptop free, he started up his usual song ( he loves the GNR album 'Chinese Democracy' ) and again started complaining. "Papa, you've changed the color of this song too!"
I then reset the plugin, and he was happy.

Twice is less likely to be a coincidence. So, I suppose his brain one of those that associates music with colors. Googling, I found out its called 'Sound to color Synesthesia'.

Is that useful ? I don't know.