Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Pro on the Mac book ?

Mom presented Dad a MacBook Pro on their 10th wedding anniversary. But that being a 15" screen, Dad was rather slow in putting that together. Finally after a lot of ribbing from mom about lack of appreciation, feeling, ya da yada yada, he finally took it out, turned it on, and set it next to the windows laptop.

Avaneesh came around sniffing to see if it was a new toy.
He indeed found the iPhoto application a blast. After clicking N photos, and finding that somehow tickling, he decided to pose with every movable item in the house.
This photographing frenzy had happened with dad's new mobile phone too. And dad was found wiping tears of frustration clearing thousands of images off his phone. Dad did panic.. after seeing this. He tried many tricks to dissuade his son.

So, 145 pictures so far. His companions include the MacBook's cute white box, his favorite box of cereal, every Cars movie vehicle, Uno cards( different photos for different cards) , key chains, lego blocks, Tintin comics, Mom, dad, his brother, all his trucks, his favorite Ben 10 T shirts, the Kannada alphabet chart (huh? ) , chess pawns, his brother's babysitter.. the list goes on.