Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to Kara world

Recently the little guy came to dad, and introduced him to this place called 'Kara world'
Dad initially ignored that.. but Kara world increasingly comes into all conversations at home.

Kara world is a place that has taken birth to solve some of Nishu's pains/problems with the world.

Bangalore is very far from California, he knows - to his chagrin. He knows that it takes a long time to go back and forth. And he's even more troubled when his dad travels to California and stays there for upto 2 weeks.
So, here comes Kara world.
"Where, Kara world, Nishu ? "
"Kara world, is next to Bangalore, and also next to California"
Why not Santa Clara or Cupertino, you might ask. He never identified the city while he lived there. It only became significant when he went away to Bangalore. And the songs he was crazy then about - 'Hotel California' and 'California Dreaming' probably contributed.

Anyway, back to Kara world. That becomes the wonderland of everything these days.

" In Kara world, the trucks are very big, and very clean "
"In Kara world, the firefighters are everywhere"
"In Kara world, there are lots of Lego toys"

Any new phenomenon learnt that doesn't show up easily, happens almost daily in Kara world.
We recently went to SFO Cable Car - a restaurant that has a San Francisco theme. All the pictures of San Francisco - including those of the 1906 earthquake triggered his imagination quite a bit.
There were some detailed questions - how long ago did the earthquake happen in California? How about Bangalore ? No Earthquakes in Bangalore ? How about rest of India? etc. etc.
Today came a revelation : "In Kara world a lot of Earth quakes , volcanoes happen"
"Actually, six earthquakes happened already there"

After reading about Tsunamis (usually called cinema), Kara world also has lots of Tsunamis. But with one difference - the trees in Kara world are pretty strong. The Tsunami can't destroy them. Also, Kara world has these people called 'Tsunami Fighters' . They carry guns with very strong bullets. They shoot them into the Tsunami, the waves get 'big holes' and the Tsunami goes away.
As the amazed Dad is busy documenting these wonders, in comes the son with fresh news.
"Hey Papa, I think the ground is shaking ... can you feel it ?"